The Metriks Office Ergonomics Evaluator certification is an on-demand course designed to provide in-depth knowledge of office ergonomics, a vital aspect of Functional Capacity Evaluation. This course will teach students how to assess office devices and furniture and address typical ergonomic issues.

All lecture materials and how-to videos in the Office Ergonomics On-demand course are pre-recorded, giving you the flexibility to access the information and course material at your convenience.

You can complete the 4-hour course all at once or break it up over a period of time. Throughout your progression in the Office Ergonomics Course, feel free to email any questions you may have regarding the course material.

Course Description

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Office Ergonomics Assessment, bringing together the essential components of Office Ergonomics into unified curriculum using a asynchronous approach. Office Ergonomic assessments are pivotal in reducing musculoskeletal disorders in the office environment. Throughout this course, students will gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills in office ergonomic assessment, enabling them to assess an office environment, identify hazards, make onsite adjustments to reduce risk, and make recommendations for modifications to further reduce risk with a goal of eliminating hazards. By understanding these critical aspects, students will develop a holistic understanding of office ergonomic assessments, enhancing their readiness for performing assessments for occupational health, insurers, vocational rehabilitation, and related fields.

Sample Office Ergo report

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Key Topics Covered

  • Theoretical foundations of Office Ergonomic Assessment

  • Understanding Office Ergonomic Principles

  • Assessment Skills

  • Ergonomic adjustments

  • Comprehensive measurement techniques related to Office Ergonomic assessments

  • Report Writing

  • Real world case studies and practical exercises.

  • Ergo Product Availability

  • Exercise and Stretching

  • Compliance with standards

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • 1. Understand the Core Concepts: Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts, principles, and theories related to Office Ergonomic assessments.

  • 2. Conduct Intake Interviews: Effectively conduct intake interviews with individuals to gather essential information for an assessment.

  • 3. Perform Comprehensive measurements of an office environment and Administer and score questionnaires.

  • 4. Identify office hazards and Implement immediate controls to lesson or eliminate hazards.

  • 5. Apply Ethical Considerations: Apply ethical guidelines and considerations in the design, administration, and interpretation of work assessments, ensuring fairness and confidentiality.

  • 6. Effectively Communicate Findings: Communicate assessment findings and recommendations to relevant stakeholders, including employers, healthcare professionals, and individuals undergoing assessments.

  • 7. Analyze Real-World Cases: Analyze and evaluate real-world case studies and scenarios related to work assessments, demonstrating problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

  • 8. Create Comprehensive Office Ergonomic Assessment Reports: that document assessment processes, findings, and recommendations in a clear and concise manner.

  • 9. Adhere to Best Practices: Apply best practices and industry standards in the field of work assessments, aligning with the best practices guideline and other relevant publications.

All learning outcomes in this course are equivalent to the face-to-face (F2F) version of this course.

These learning outcomes ensure that students gain a well-rounded understanding of the Office Ergonomic Assessments; enabling them to perform assessments effectively, ethically, and in alignment with industry standards and best practices.

Course Format

The asynchronous portion, where students work on online exercises and watch instructional videos on their own time, consists of 74 lessons divided over 7 Chapters.

Minimum Technical Skills Needed

Minimum technical skills are needed in this
course. All work in this course must be completed and submitted online.
Therefore, you must have consistent and reliable access to a computer and the
Internet. The minimum technical skills you have include the ability to:

  1. Organize and save electronic files;
  2. Download and upload documents;
  3. Locate information with a browser; and
  4. Use Metriks software.

Academic Success

Successful online learners:

  1. Do not procrastinate;
  2. Are self-motivated and self-disciplined;
  3. Have a commitment to learning;
  4. Have critical thinking and decision-making skills;
  5. Believe quality learning can take place in an online environment; and
  6. Have good time management skills.

Course Lessons

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Office Ergonomics

  • Lesson 1 - Office Ergonomics Introduction
  • Lesson 2 - The basics of ergonomics
  • Lesson 3 - Root Cause Analysis Approach

Chapter 2 - Measurements

  • Lesson 1 - Ideal Chair Height
  • Lesson 2 - Measuring Popliteal height to confirm ideal chair height
  • Lesson 3 - Ideal Chair Depth
  • Lesson 4 - Measuring Popliteal length to confirm ideal chair depth
  • Lesson 5 - Ideal Chair Armrest height
  • Lesson 6 - Measuring sitting elbow height to confirm ideal armrest height
  • Lesson 7 - Ideal Chair Backrest set-up
  • Lesson 8 - Ideal phone set-up
  • Lesson 9 - Ideal mouse set-up
  • Lesson 10 - Ideal Keyboard set-up
  • Lesson 11 - Ideal Monitor set-up
  • Lesson 12 - Measuring the desk, monitor, and input devices

Chapter 3 - Case studies

  • Lesson 1 - Case study #1
  • Lesson 2 - Case study #2

Chapter 4 - Office Ergo report

  • Lesson 1 - Overview of Office Ergo report
  • Lesson 2 - Sample Report #1 review
  • Lesson 3 - Sample Report #2 review
  • Lesson 4 - Sample Report #3 review
  • Lesson 5 - Sample Report #4 review
  • Lesson 6 - Sample Report #5 review

Chapter 5 - Office Set-up for good posture

  • Lesson 1 - Office set-up
  • Lesson 2 - Home office set-up

Chapter 6 - Product Recommendations

  • Lesson 1 - Introduction to product recommendations
  • Lesson 2 - Humanscale Chair review
  • Lesson 3 - Steelcase Chair
  • Lesson 4 - Donut stool
  • Lesson 5 - Kneeling Chair
  • Lesson 6 - Chair mat
  • Lesson 7 - Desk Extension
  • Lesson 8 - Privacy Screen
  • Lesson 9 - Acoustic Privacy Screen
  • Lesson 10 - Foot Hammock
  • Lesson 11 - Hanging Storage Cubby
  • Lesson 12 - Under Desk Drawer
  • Lesson 13 - Under Desk Storage
  • Lesson 14 - Clamp-on Microphone Arm
  • Lesson 15 - Keyboard Tray Systems
  • Lesson 16 - Vertical Ergonomic Mouse (wave)
  • Lesson 17 - Vertical Ergonomic Mouse (swell)
  • Lesson 18 - Whisper Click Mouse
  • Lesson 19 - Monitor Stand
  • Lesson 20 - Multi-Monitor Arms
  • Lesson 21 - Monitor Arm (Uplift)
  • Lesson 22 - Standing Desk Mat
  • Lesson 23 - Standing Desk Mat #2
  • Lesson 24 - Standing desk keypad
  • Lesson 25 - Cycle Desk

Chapter 7 - Exercise and Stretching

  • Lesson 1 - Office exercises 1
  • Lesson 2 - Office Exercises 2
  • Lesson 3 - Office Exercises 3
  • Lesson 4 - Office Exercises 4

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