Certified Functional Capacity Evaluator
Welcome to the On-Demand FCE certification course. This course will teach you how to complete a Functional Capacity Evaluation.
The Metriks Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) certification is a course on the proper design, administration, and interpretation of FCEs. This course will teach the student how to conduct the four major components of an FCE: Intake Interview, medical records review, physical examination and content valid functional testing. The content of this material will follow the American Physical Therapy Association’s FCE Best Practices Guideline.
Lesson 1: Welcome
What does the referral source want to know?
When is the FCE done?
FREE PREVIEWIntroduction to FCE - Slides 1-21
Introduction to FCE - Slides 22-40
Introduction to FCE - Slides 41-90
Lesson 14: History of the FCE (bonus)
Lesson 15: When to Perform an FCE (bonus)
Lesson 16: Return to Work FCE (bonus)
(Optional) Best Practice Guidelines Slides
Intake Interview
Intake Interview Continued
Lesson 1: Background
Lesson 2: Sitting Tolerance
Lesson 3: Intake Documents
Lesson 4: Pain Disability Index
Lesson 5: QuickDASH Questionnaire
Lesson 6: Owestry Back Pain Index
Lesson 7: McGill Pain Questionnaire
Lesson 8: Dallas Pain Questionnaire
Lesson 9: Patient Health Questionnaire
Lesson 10: CIEG- Chr Scale
Lesson 11: FFQ-Chr Scale
Lesson 12: Activity Rating Chart
Lesson 13: Visual Analogue Scale
Lesson 14: Headache Disability Index
Lesson 15: LEFS
Lesson 16: UEFI
Lesson 17: Mental Health Inventory
Lesson 18: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
Lesson 19: Brief Pain Inventory
Lesson 20: Neck Disability Index
Lesson 21: Roland-Morris Low Back Pain Questionnaire
Lesson 22: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
(Optional) Intake Interview Slides
Sample Patient - Intake Documents
Greeting a Patient & Signing Documents - Intake Interview V.1
Sample Patient - Intake Interview
Assignment #1 - Intake Interview
Assignment #2 - Intake Documents
Introduction to equipment, neck & shoulder range of motion
Neck & shoulder Range of Motion Software Input
Spine Range of Motion & Grip Strength
Neck, Wrist & Lower Extremity Range of Motion
Lesson 1: Overview
Lesson 2: Background
Lesson 3: Cervical
Lesson 4: Thoracic
Lesson 5: Lumbar
Lumbar Spine - Range of Motion V.4
Lesson 6: Shoulder
Lesson 7: Elbow
Lesson 8: Wrist
Lesson 9: Hip
Lesson 10: Knee
Lesson 11: Ankle
(Optional) Impairment Testing Slides
Sample Patient - Range Of Motion (Visual)
Sample Patient - Range of Motion (Wrist)
Introduction: Video of slide deck
(Optional) Review introduction slides
Software Input & Pinch Grip
Pinch Grip: Video of slide deck
(Optional) Review pinch grip slides
Pinch Grip Test - Effort Testing V.1
Sample Patient - Pinch Grip: Key Position
Sample Patient - Pinch Grip: Tip Position
Sample Patient - Pinch Grip: Palmer Position
5-Span Hand Grip: Video of slide deck
(Optional) Review 5-Span hand grip slides
5 Span Grip Test - Effort Testing V.1
Sample Patient - Hand Strength
Rapid Exchange Grip Test (REG): Video of slide deck
(Optional) Review Rapid Exchange Grip slides
Sample Patient - Hand Grip: Rapid Exchange
Rapid Exchange Grip Test - Effort Testing
Effort Summary - Effert Testing V.1
(Optional) Clinical Consistency slide deck
Sample Patient - Isometric Floor Lift 1
Sample Patient - Isometric Floor Lift 2
Guide to FCE effort testing lecture notes
Crawling, walking & climbing
Reaching (Using Pegs)
Reaching (Using crate)
Lesson 1: Background
Lesson 2: Working Criteria
Lesson 3: Length/Guidelines
Lesson 4: Measurements
Lesson 5: Test Scores
Lesson 6: Mobility
Walking - Non-material Handling V.1.
Sample Patient - Walk 1
Sample Patient - Walk 2
Crawling - Non-Material Handling V.2
Stairs - Non-Material Handling V.1.
Ladder Climb - Non-Material Handling V.1
Balance - Non-Material Handling V.2
Sample Patient - Berg Balance: Standing Unsupported (2 mins)
Lesson 7: Reach Up
Reach Up - Non-Material Handling V.1
Sample Patient - Overhead Reach: Left
Sample Patient - Overhead Reach: Right
Sample Patient - Sustained Overhead Reach
Lesson 8: Reach Out
Forward Reaching - Non-Material Handling V.2
Sample Patient - Shoulder Reaching: Right
Sample Patient - Shoulder Reaching: Left
Lesson 9: Handling and Fingering
Handling & Fine Dexterity - Non-Material Handling V.1
Sample Patient - Waist Reach: Left
Sample Patient - Waist Reach: Right
Lesson 11: Crouch/Squat
Squat/Crouch - Non-Material Handling V.1
Sample Patient - Repeated Crouching
Sample Patient - Short Sustained Crouching
Lesson 12: Kneel
Kneeling - Non-Material Handling V.1
Sample Patient - Repeated Kneeling: Left Knee Down
Sample Patient - Repeated Kneeling: Right Knee Down
Lesson 10: Bend/Stoop
Bending - Non-Material Handling V.2
Sample Patient - Repeated Bending
(Optional) Non-Material Handling Slides
Lesson 1: Background
Lesson 2: Process (1)
Lesson 2: Process (2)
Lesson 3: Occasional/Frequent Lifting
Lesson 4: Ending the Test
Lesson 5: Documentation
Lesson 6: Floor to Waist
Sample Patient - Heart Rate Measure
Sample Patient - Floor To Waist Lift
Lesson 7: Floor to Shoulder
Lesson 8: Waist to Shoulder
Lesson 9: Waist to Overhead
Double-Handed Carry Test - Material Handling V.2
Single-Handed Carry Test - Material Handling V.2
Lesson 10: Software
(Optional) Material Handling Slides
Sample Patient - Isometric floor lift demo
Sample Patient - Isometric Floor lift
Sample Patient - Pull: No Body Weight
Sample Patient - Pull
Ability to evaluate an individuals capacity to perform work activities related to his or her participation in employment.
To be able to measure and analyze levels of physical effort to determine if the client’s assessment data is a reasonable representation of ability or if the client could do more than demonstrated.
Rely on functional testing to more objectively identify an individual’s functional abilities and limitations rather than their use of estimates, commonly called restrictions.
Intake Interview
Learn what intake interview is and to effectively start an FCE assessment.
Intake Document
Understand the importance of pre-assessment questionnaires and documentations.
Impairment and effort Testing
Develop skills on how to test for range of motion and perform full body Range of motion measurements. Learn how to measure physical efforts of a subject and how to observe and record signs.
Material and non-material Handling
Understand how to observe and record clinical observations related to material handling. Describe how the level of "Physical effort" is considered when rating a subjects ability. Discover different types of non-material handling and how to measure each testing.
Sample FCE Resources
You will have access to samples FCE Reports templates and examples. Gain access to FCE Best practice guideline and course manual.
Metriks FREE Functional Capacity Evaluation Software
Learn how to use the Metriks FREE Software. The course provides an in-depth tutorial that will show you how to use the software to your advantage.